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Filter coffee (and Mila Kunis) on a day like today

On a day like today when the sun plays your favourite childhood game of hide and seek and the only thing you want to do is pull back the rug in an attempt to catch the deep sleep that just won’t come back, brush open the curtains a little. You’ll think you’re in the movies, the weather so perfect you’ll look next to you to check if Mila Kunis has also woken up, her hair hiding the twinkle in those eyes that can cause even the most abstinent to disintegrate. You’ll then realise it’s your pillow playing tricks on you but the weather outside is still like it is in the movies. Waking up still seems onerous but days like these are not meant to be experienced from the comfort of your bed.

On a day like today, you need filter coffee. That’s all. The aroma of the decoction percolates to the whole house and catches your nostrils just as your head is about find the comfort of the pillow and the imaginary Mila Kunis’s gentle caress. Filter coffee is what coffee is all about. It maybe served under different pseudonyms and that’s what most of them end up as – pseudo. The real filter coffee doesn’t need fancy top ups like cream, alter egos like cappuchino and a bill that can buy you 10 authentic filter coffees. It needs coffee powder, milk and sugar. Overdo the decoction, not the sugar - it’s coffee, not pudding. Fill up half the glass with really strong decoction and reserve the remaining for milk. Half a teaspoon of sugar, not  more, not less.

On a day like today, when melancholy, peace, nostalgia and wonderment are fighting for space in your crowded head, you need filter coffee. On a day like today, when your playlist criss-crosses time periods, genres, eras and moods, and to seem to do anything else but daydream is travesty, filter coffee is the balm for a weary mind and soul. It will wake you up to everything you have forsaken for a view you hope to have from the top one day. On a day like today, conversation and silence will tap dance, you will rediscover the unadulterated charm of reading, the ruffling pages of the book creating a symphony of their own making.

When the filter coffee hits you and you are truly awake to the fact that days like this are few and far between, that soon you will be forced to make peace with reality, the day will take a leaf out of Bono’s words -  ‘a beautiful day, don’t let it get away'. 

On a day like today, you need to wake up, steal some its beauty and hide it in your closet if you so desire. For that you need filter coffee.

And when sleep finds you again, hopefully, Mila Kunis will be right where you left her.  

P.S – this piece is an ode to a beautiful June day in Bangalore.


  1. I am quite tired of praising you. You have an uncanny ability to put in words what so many people are really thinking.
    PLEASE keep writing, you can be sure I'll be waiting to see which of my thoughts you vocalize next.

    Shilpa (a fan), from Saraswati Apts days.


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